Friday, September 22, 2017

Red Wine and Words Two-Point-Oh

Well, would you catch a gander at who went out and got herself a whole new look?

Fancy, huh? And it's not just the outside neither!

EBook available now from and Amazon UK. Paperback coming soon.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Emma Ennis Inc.

My business cards arrived today. I figured I'd need them in case, you know, I ran into Guillermo del Toro in the t'local pub some night and hadn't a copy of my book on hand.

Either way, Guillermo or no, having business cards has a serious pong of adult off it. Wouldn't you agree?

One of my first duties as adult was to blur the contact details. This grown up stuff ain't so dippicult.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Whole Lotta Nuffin

Things have been so busy lately I haven't had time to brag about it. But, coming soon will be reveals, releases, events, news, and bragging galore.

End cryptic post.